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During our stay in Las Vegas we will be staying at the fabulous 5 Star
Trump International Hotel. Please check this property out, it is stunning!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Just like Jesus, I am looking for followers

Unlike Jesus, I want them to follow my blog.

I really would like to encourage you to share this blog with your friends and family. I want you to share your Vegas experience with me and help me avoid the pitfalls. So please follow my blog and add some comments. Tell me what you love/hate about Vegas, or love/hate about this blog.

If I am able to get 10 followers by the end of April I will hold a draw for a $10 gift certificate. (I will give you a choice of a few different certificates.) And I will post the draw details on May first.

So get out there and follow my blog, help me out with comments about Vegas or my blog, and very possibly win yourself a $10 gift card.

You KNOW you wanna!!!

1 comment:

  1. I've never been to vegas, but always wanted to go!! I've been to the casino in Halifax and omg, it is addicting! The ding, ding ding of the slot machines :O) My parents went to vegas years ago and had a blast. They got to see Wayne Newton, played the slots and have fine dining and great weather. They didn't really win any money, it was more for the experience. You will have so much fun!! I'm Jealous...I hope to one day get to there for myself!
